Kuba FPS test can be found here: Kuba FPS test on Google play

There is unlimited ammo and only one life before your score is reset. In the demo you can't save your score, it's really just to test text overlays.
My next project is going to be building this into a full game. Most of the textures and models in this demo will be used in the final game, but with more monsters, more weapons, ammo, items, scoreboard and just a lot more fun and gameplay than what is seen in this test.

Currently I brushing up on my C++ so I can rewrite my map editor for the Kuba Engine because it turns out I've forgotten some important stuff about C++ while teaching myself JAVA... Turns out it's not like riding a bike... who'da thunk-it?
The new map editor will have both a 3d and 3d layout on screen (old version only had 3d), more control over entities and map objects, loading as well as saving (the last one could only save) and a bit of angelscript in there so that I can easily modify the editor for new games with newer versions of Kuba. The end result will hopefully be more interesting levels in my game.
The engine itself is quite simple (and probably needs a bit of a rewrite)... All collisions are (currently) handled by simple AABB checks, most behavior is coded with state machines and interface based functions. The biggest slow down in the engine is the real time lighting... turns out multiple opengl lights are just slow on Android... It still runs smoothly on a lot of phones, but will become a bit choppy on lower end phones... which is a shame because I was aiming this at lower end phones.
After I make one or two full games with the engine, I'm probably going to rewrite it and make a KubA 2 or 1.0+ which will still use cube based maps, but will slopes which will allow terrains and more interesting level design. This will mean that I will have to switch over to a more standard line to polygon intersection approach, but hopefully it won't cause too much of a slowdown. Currently the engine is using OpenGL ES 1.1... so I should probably learn more about GLSL and switch to OpenGL ES 2.0 because I've heard this might actually help the engine run faster... and make allow it to look a bit nicer (in theory).