Saturday, September 11, 2010

Finally released tech demo for FPS (Generic FPS)

Well, I finally released the tech demo of my FPS engine on newgrounds....
Play "Generic FPS" on newgrounds

I figure the actual engine is quite stable, but unfortunately the texture work
and other graphics are somewhat poor... This all needs to be updated.
I'm thinking in the later version I might push the wall textures up to 100x100
instead of the 50x50 I'm currently using... I've done a test and it seemed to
run at around the same frame rate... I didn't notice any speed difference at
all really.
 I've just made the
textures repeat in
this screenshot,
but (in theory)
running the game
with 100x100
textures should be
perfectly fine.

Another idea I'm
thinking of adding to
the engine is height
differences in floors
and roof tiles.

Pretty much this will work by saving the map files into arrays that are
objects... each object (2d map location) will hold the tile type, the roof
height, floor height and so on, unless it is a solid wall, in which case the
heights aren't required and will be rendered in context to the surrounding
tiles. I'm not sure if I'll encorporate this into the current engine for the
upcoming project, or have it in a sort of "gFPSII engine" for later projects.
In theory this will make it alot more like the system shock 1 engine (but
without slanted floor tiles, bridges and so on)...

The reference to System shock brings up another addition I wish to add...
A mouse system... but no; not one for aiming... Like I said: Not a fan of that
when it comes to flash games... but more of an adventure game styled mouse
interface... of course this isn't going to be used in the upcoming shooter...
I do actually want to keep this one quite simple...

But I am hoping to adapt "H.P. Lovecraft's The Hound" into a flash game
for a class I have for University... Well, I say "game", but it's more of an
interactive graphic novel sort of thing... a very short one... I want the 3d walkable
parts of the game to incorporate a modified version of this engine with the addition
of a mouse select... like those "point and click" flash games we've all played.

Well, I have to take apart the engine now because I wrote the basis over one
night then just kept adding to it... so I want to take apart all the functions into
separate files so that it will be easier to modify... it's a bit all over the place
right now.

I might even release some tutorials on how to replicate this engine after I've
finished it and released a game or two... I sort of wanna try to get some
sponsorship for at least one of them... but after that I'll release a tutorial or
two... maybe even the source code... but I wouldn't want people to just
use my engine directly... I wouldn't mind, but I'd prefer people learn how
to make their own... It's more rewarding for them that way.

Well... any feedback or suggestions for the upcoming first person shooter,
or anything else I've mentioned... or if anyone is interested in helping out;
please do leave a comment.

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